
La faune et la flore en Corse

Due to its exceptional geographical location, Corsica « mountain in the sea », completely cut off from any connection with other lands, develops an exceptional flora and fauna. Should we be surprised then to see so many botanists or ornithologists or even simply plant and bird lovers attach themselves to this island to feed their passion? We can say that on this territory we find everything: the rock, the sea, the marine humidity brought back by the winds, the waters of springs, the birds, the heat, the vegetation…. As an islander, in love with his Corsica, said: everything is « only offerings » of nature. The sites saved (thanks to the institution of the Regional Natural Park, to the Conservatoire du Littoral), alone provide enough to satisfy the love of these men and women who continue to fight to save their Paradise. Even if their actions or their studies may seem derisory to some, such as counting the number of plants that proliferate each year on a tiny territory, they are all of paramount importance for future generations, for the protection of our ecosystem. . It must be recognized that these small actions, tiny drops of water in the ocean, are not lacking in Corsica. Far from keeping them in silence, they are beginning to be recognized and publicized.

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