
Le chemin des crêtes

The Chemin des Crêtes follows the coast from the town center to the reliefs of the Iles Sanguinaires. Lasting three hours, this path is accessible to all, and offers exceptional viewpoints on the coast, plunging views from the balcony above the sea. This path allows a botanical discovery of the natural environment in the middle

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Les paillottes

It is near Ajaccio that we find the most private beaches in Corsica. They are mainly located on the route des Sanguinaires where there are many establishments open for most of the year (permanent establishments). In summer, in most, it is possible to rent mattresses and eat directly on the sand. To the north of

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Les plages

Ariadne Beach Still on the road to the Sanguinary Islands, Ariadne Beach has crystal clear water and offers all kinds of water activities that you can practice throughout the summer. The beach is easily accessible and a large car park makes your life easier and allows you to quickly find a parking space. It is

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Le petit train blanc

An original way to visit Ajaccio! Thanks to its great maneuverability, the Little train is the only one that can comfortably walk you through the narrow streets of the old town and take you back in time to April 30, 1492, the date on which the old Genoese city was founded. Ajaccio, a city steeped

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La Corse

It is called the Island of Beauty for its sublime landscapes between red cliffs plunging into turquoise waters, stone villages clinging to the mountains and gorges planted with chestnut trees. Small coves or fine sandy beaches, peninsulas or capes… In Corsica, more than 1000 kilometers of coastline invite you to nature walks between sky and

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La faune et la flore en Corse

Due to its exceptional geographical location, Corsica « mountain in the sea », completely cut off from any connection with other lands, develops an exceptional flora and fauna. Should we be surprised then to see so many botanists or ornithologists or even simply plant and bird lovers attach themselves to this island to feed their passion? We

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